Sunday, 16 September 2018

Knowing WHY is important

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We all are constantly on the search for something in life - meaning, purpose, identity, recognition, independence, finances, comfort, luxury, lifestyle, relationships. The root of all motivations to "do" something is the need for an identity! Some create great work to establish their identity, some create relationships, some create wealth and some  knowledge. 

Like all, I too was a victim of this identity crisis. Then there came a twist in the story as I sat back home and started reading books which I never dreamed of reading and to my surprise it was exactly what I was looking for, an answer to all my questions from an authentic source. What "is" the highest and the best to be attained in human life. What was I supposed to pursue for happiness & such other existential questions. And I found all the answers, yes, all the answers! Eureka!!

What I found out revived me. It revealed to me the truth in a way no one can ever do; how we relate to the cosmos/universe. That's what am about to share with you. Read on.

It told me that

1. financial insecurity is foolishness.
How much ever practical it might appear to be, fear of survival is a false notion. Every entity that is brought forth in this world comes with his/her own share of food and survival basics - that is the law of the universe! So no one is ever dependent on anybody. All are inter-dependent among themselves and ultimately dependant on the ONE SOURCE for everything.
2. We are not the body! Yes, read again, we are not the body. We are something else.

The entire human life, it is observed, is woven around fears pertaining to the body. It is the BODY of a woman which is feared to be mutilated and perceived to be an object for protection. It is the BODY of a man which is feared to be at threat on various occassions and hence the entire gamut of doings - work, income, expenditure, increased income, increased expenditure and so on....No one stopped to ask why. Why all this? Is the fear really true? Or is it just a notion? Anyone who digs-in enough to answer this ever perceptible yet often over-looked question "Why" will surely find his/her true identity which leads to lasting peace and happiness.

There are various ways of explaining this concept, am taking one of these.

We all know that the human body which is subject to constant damage and repair is composed of cells, cells are made up of molecules, molecules of atoms and atoms of nuclei which are invisibly minute particles.  There is a constant give-n-take of electrons and a constant change going-on every fraction of a second in the body although we don't perceive it. The body is thus transient in its subtle aspect. Anything transient cannot be real or true since we define that as true which is permanent/perpetual and is not subject to change.

In this context, the body which we all are habituated to treat personally and refer to as "I" should rather be taken impersonally. For example, imagine that you have to take care of a collection of cells in a test tube . What would you offer it? Would you offer it respect, clothing, ornaments, car or love or even a name? No, ideally you would offer it a nutrient medium for it to survive! The body is just that - a collection of cells. It gains undue importance  & attention and is entitled to a vast array of comfort items and treated respectfully. It enjoys different designations at different places like father, mother, sister, brother, wife, husband etc. although it is the same collection of cells arranged in a different space-time matrix.

What in reality should be admired is the intelligence contained in each of these cells, atoms and nuclei. How does the cell receive stimuli from the environment and generate a response? How does the atom know when to give-up a phosphate bond and when to accept it? (Phosphate bonds are the primary source of energy in all bodies). Atoms do not have eyes, yet how does a carbon atom identify a hydrogen atom to form complex structures in the universe? 

There seems to be greater intelligence flowing through as a common substratum, an undercurrent to all particle motions. This intelligence is reflected in all bodies irrespective of age, gender, caste or role in the society. Wherefrom does this intelligence come? There is definitely a SOURCE – THE POINT at which all begins. So it follows that bodies formed of cells are merely structures animated through intelligence by the source. Hence, the personal statement “some body (somebody) is extremely intelligent” is a false notion. The correct statement will be impersonal “intelligence appearing in the form of some body and some action”. Therefore it is not the body which should be the object of admiration assuming doership but the source whose intelligence moves the body. Source: body as Puppeteer: puppet!

No one taught intelligence to the cell, it is in-built. Intelligence is independent & occurs naturally hence the source must also be independent and natural.

This source from which intelligence originates and depends upon - the real cause of every cell and hence every animate and inanimate body – is the true object of admiration, worship and love. This source is what we refer to as GOD. God’s intelligence shines as various bodies in the universe – Sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, humans. God speaks and acts as father, mother, son, wife, husband, friends, thief, drunkard, customers, sellers, teachers and preachers all inclusive, nothing excluded. God lives our everyday life in the form of our family, friends and ourselves. Hence, the question of right or wrong, good or bad, doing/non-doing doesn’t arise! The question of success or failure, useful or wasted doesn't arise! It is all perfect just by being the way it is! This is the concept which we chant in our daily Vedic prayers/ hymns as stated in Sri Rudram, Narayana suktam and all our scriptures including Vedanta, puranas, and other literary works state the same truth.

Spirituality and science are not two different subjects. They are one and the same. Spirituality is full of science. There is more science we can learn from reading Upanishads, puranas and the Bhagvad Gita than any course at college secured after tedious entrance exams. Scientists such as Neil Bohr, Einstein, and Thomas Edward are among those who have referred to our Upanishads whenever they found themselves stuck in their experiments. The Schrödinger wave equation and the dual behavior of particles (as both a wave & particle) are repetitively mentioned in our scriptures and given to us in the form of captivating stories. Einstein stopped at stating that the speed of light is a constant and that it is the fastest. However, Ramayana has told us about instances of travel faster than the speed of light. Hanuman could travel faster than light. This only proves that intelligence that we claim of today is far diminutive than that of an average person in the time gone by. Spiritual intelligence is inconceivable and goes beyond the understanding of the intellect of a pea-sized brain.

In the light of this greater intelligence all our problems and our image of ourselves shrink to the size of dust. We are so bound by trivialities. There is much more to life than what we know!

What is the real purpose of life then? The real purpose is to regain our lost memory of who we are -   to regain our awareness that we are all God particles and be at peace with everything.
All the endeavors we take in life and the efforts we make whether it be wealth, family, progeny, luxury, religious acts or liberation (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha – the four pursuits of human life) are directly or indirectly related to our strife to establish an identity of our ourselves. And so long as we don’t identify ourselves with the SOURCE called God, we always feel short of something inspite of all our possessions because these are just reflections and not the true self.

Begin today, ask why. At the end of the trail you will find the Source called God. Keep that identity!

The author of this text is the same nameless & formless Self of all decoding & writing through the body identified in this world as Devika.  

#Life #truths #Science #spirituality #Lessons #Wisdom #Enlightenment #Peace #mind matters

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